I specialize in the following:
Dispute Resolution,
also known as "Fighting the Canada Revenue Agency", especially at the administrative level (audits and objections). Many of my clients call me a
magician for my ability to make proposed reassessments "disappear". I do
this for both income tax and GST/HST.
I also undertake Voluntary Disclosures for clients, to eliminate penalties on past mistakes or failure to file returns.
Click here to read some "Magic"
case histories.
GST and HST consulting: How
will a particular transaction be treated?
Tax writing and review. As Canada's most prolific tax
author, I have substantial expertise in how to take difficult tax issues and
make them clear. I have "ghost-written" articles and books on tax for clients,
and can review any article or paper you are writing and make suggestions for
I can communicate with clients fluently in English and Yiddish,
and passably in Portuguese, French and Hebrew.